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Our Mission

Clear minds, light hearts

Transforming the human experience, one step at a time.


Life presents us with timeless themes and experiences which can be described as enduringly human... Sometimes a miracle, othertimes a devastation. We want to cultivate and spread the miracles, and learn to better cope during times of devastation.  
We want to see more of us feeling secure, leading fulfilling lives, and sharing our joys with the world. We want to see progress in how we can find our passions, connect with our authenticity, build and refine our Self, and adopt healthy hardship-navigation strategies and habits.
From a foundation of compassion and integrity, we strive for all to build unshakable conditions which enable a sustainable state of triumph.




Clear Mind

           ✓  Clarity of direction  

           ✓  Enhanced motivation

           ✓  Increased producivity



Light Heart

          ✓  Values-based living

           ✓  Stress-less 

            ✓  Fear-free



Our Objectives

   ✓  Improve emotional intelligence
   ✓  Increase degrees of personal awareness
   ✓  Connect people with their authentic self
   ✓  Cultivate growth mindsets
   ✓  Values-oriented goals and actions
   ✓  Close the gap between ideals and results








Releasing difficult experiences night be easier said than done - but it's doable. Rewiring the brain to become happier is a real thing. Becoming magnetic to those around you, can be. We want to help make these ideas and tools for enablement, accessible and practical.  
By building and cultivating the right conditions, you can better live your ideals.  


Let's live less in our head and more through our heart.

What we contribute


We strive to serve

   ✓  Curate overwhelming information into delightfully digestible, timeless wisdom
   ✓  Emphasize on self-reflection and personal profile/ brand building
   ✓  Offer alternative perspectives to suffering and other features of life
   ✓  Develop really great tools which support positive, life-affirming behaviours



We strive to serve

   ✓  Curate overwhelming information into delightfully digestible, timeless wisdom
   ✓  Emphasize on self-reflection and personal profile/ brand building
   ✓  Offer alternative perspectives to suffering and other features of life
   ✓  Develop really great tools which support positive, life-affirming behaviours


GiY Platform

  ✓  Great suite of productivity tools

  ✓  Insightful knowledge and activities 

  ✓  Helps individuals and families 

  ✓  Helps organisations and communities

  ✓  Helps psychologists, therapists, coaches

[  Read More  ] 



  ✓  Blog Posts every Friday

  ✓  YouTube Videos

  ✓  Platform exclusive content

 ✓  Engaging and impactful 

 ✓  Thought-provoking 


   ✓ Quality products

   ✓ No-hassle delivery

   ✓ Cost well-worth the value

   ✓ Inspiration, peace, productivity



  ✓  Counselling, therapy

  ✓  Coaching, advice

  ✓  Career Advice

  ✓  Personal Brand 

  ✓  Mentorship

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  ✓  Meet-ups

  ✓  Talks, conferences

  ✓  Workshops

  ✓  Social nights

  ✓  Retreats

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Better future

  ✓  Solution proposals

  ✓  Mental health networks

  ✓  Help4help networks

  ✓  Plans for the future

  ✓  Research & Development

[  Read More  ] 


Great Workplace

  ✓  Happy staff & partners

  ✓  Motivating salary & benefits

  ✓  Comfy, inspiring environment

  ✓  Excitement and challenge

  ✓  Self development 

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Our input : output balance

Life is balance. Here's our balance (at least we think so?)



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