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Since the dawn of time...

the human race has sought intensely after the pleasure and lightness that true happiness brings; alas, 
   ⯈ Suffering continues to hijack lives
   ⯈ Confusion persists and veers people off track
   ⯈ Some live for validation, less for themselves
   ⯈ Many dreams and goals remain unrealized
   ⯈ Unresolved perspectives breeds bitterness and resentment



What are the struggles?

According to a combination of researches, the top given reasons for unhappiness include...


Not happy/ doing well in work

⯈  70% of people don’t like their job

⯈  Feeling bored and unengaged

⯈  Struggling in the role

Financial discontent

 ⯈  Not earning enough

 ⯈  Spending too much

 ⯈  Can't live as desired


Low self-esteem

⯈  Fears and lack of confidence

⯈  Bad experiences 

⯈  Self-hatred or anger


Relationship Issues 

⯈  Trust issues
⯈  Fear of commitment
⯈  Communication blocks
⯈  Boredom or spite

Continuous disappointments

⯈ Frequent saddening situations 

⯈ Feeling discouraged or let down 

⯈ Feeling like a failure



⯈  Little or no motivation

⯈  Lack of interest or concern 

⯈  A state of indifference


Mindset for personal growth

 ⯈  Unable to foster a growth mindset

 ⯈  Limiting thinking patterns or beliefs

 ⯈  Struggling with negative self-talk 


Can't feel inner peace

⯈ Feeling out-of-balance 

⯈ Not content with life

⯈ Experiencing internal conflict 



We are witnessing the rise of mental and emotional disorders

According to the World Health Organisation, 450 million people are struggling with some type of mental health concern, worldwide.

⯈ 300 million people globally suffer from depression

⯈ 45% of Aussies will experience a common mental health disorder in their lifetime

⯈ An estimated 18% of the US population is afflicted with anxiety

⯈ Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (7.7 million Americans in 2015)

⯈ 1 in 13 people experience Mental/ Psychotic breakdowns

⯈ The World Drug Report 2017 reports that 29.5 million people globally suffer from drug use disorders

And tragically, the alarming rate of suicide - predicted to double by 2020.

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What's going on?

There's so no definitive, universal answer to "what's going on"; there are many reasons and perspectives to come from. But we have to start from somewhere. 

We researched, contemplated, and mapped out symptoms, problems, causes, and so forth, and have identified a particular angle we focus on: identity chaos. 





Identity Chaos

"You cannot solve a problem until you're asking the right question".


The crisis comes with a deeper and obscure unexplained anxiety made worse by the appearance of unintended happenings.

Whenever we lose sight of our distinctiveness;
Whenever we are uprooted from the traditional;
Whenever the past loses its grip or no longer seems relevant;
Whenever we don’t know who we are...

We can recognise that we are descending back into identity chaos.


Identity: Our identity is the way we define ourselves.
This includes our values, our beliefs, and our personality. It also encompasses the roles we play in our society and family, our past memories, and our hopes for the future, as well as our hobbies and interests.

Chaos: a state of disorder, or any confused or amorphous mixture or conglomeration
[1] The word means chasm, emptiness, vast void in Greek. In the creation myths it is the primordial or formless state or the gap created by the separation of heaven and earth.
[2] the property of a complex system whose behaviour is so unpredictable as to appear random, owing to great sensitivity to small changes in conditions.

Identity Chaos refers to the confusion or melancholy associated with the unresolved or unrecognised factors related to our path, purpose, and role in life.
Symptoms: confusion, inability to be authentic,  


Not having a strong sense of self or struggling with identity issues may lead to depression, anxiety, and other psychological health problems in addition to even physical health problems.

As Pepper Schwartz has pointed out, ambiguity creates considerable distress for a great many people in society precisely because it subverts the accepted systems of categorization.

We have little understanding of who and what we are, so we create images, cling to ideological constructs that move us further and further away from our true nature.


>>> Read more. 




Live the life that you love

There is no reason for you NOT to live the life that you love.

Yes, it is true - sometimes we experience a prolonged sense of dissatisfication or depression. Sometimes, we encounter the same frustrations over and over and over again. Sometimes it feels like we just can't move forward - or we don't know how to - even if we want to. Sometimes we lose sight of the "spark" entirely.

In these times, it might not feel like you're living a life that you love. But what does it even mean to live a life that you love?
Life is too dynamic, complex, and intricate for us to only experience happiness, for instance. And that's a good thing.

These difficult yet important states urge us towards understanding ourselves better and give us the signal for change. You're on the path of self-becoming, friend. 
It is not bad to feel bad - it is a sign for us. We simply need to recognise what we are feeling, then compassionately move in the form of our desired state of being.  

A desired state of being is attainable by anyone who applies dedicated and persistent effort over time - and we are here to support you along your journey. 



The War Against Experience

>>> Read more. 






Why we are here

Without a problem, there wouldn't be occassion for a solution. 

During our journey through life, we have all witnessed change and transformation - for better or worse. We can witness this change on a daily level, or on larger scales by looking through history. 

Each society throughout each time period in history produces its own set of "symptoms", to characterize issues and imbalances the society is facing. As with the past, we have observed symptoms we wish to address. 




What we do

Learn about how we want to make our mark.

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How you can contribute

You can be part of the effort and make real life impact, too. 

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